Monday, October 17, 2005

Oy. Fox News

Fox anchors announce RACE WAR in Ohio. Pretty strong, sexy stuff. The kind of stuff that will soon be bleating from your LOCAL FOX AFFILIATES. Both good, brief articles from Media Bistro. Roger Ailes - making McCarthyism marketable. Here's the full article from Variety that discusses the challenges Ailes faces. Number 1: the difference in demographics. Fox's cable news network's average viewer is 59 years old. That's some old bitches.

That's the effect of not having done drugs or had sex back in the 1960's. Or of having done bad drugs and had bad sex. Or of not learning the lessons of the Vietnam War. Or of just being a narrow-minded, xenophobic prick.

Dobsie and Harriet

Doesn't knowing a Supreme Court nominee's position on Roe disqualify her? I mean, isn't that what nominees are supposed to conceal until it's too late and they've sent women's reproductive rights back to Salem?

Too bad, Harriet. You were so qualified. From WSJ Opinion Journal.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Bust Hannity

Fox News Network's Sean Hannity is a dick. Blogger Steve J. would like to file a formal complaint against him with the Federal Elections Commission. I'd rather he be busted for the going postal on his fellow Fox News "personalities," but this will have to suffice. God, I hate Hannity.

Symptoms of the ethical Zeitgeist

Wacky dumbbell journalist quotes Onion-style satire as fact. Then quits. If only Judy Miller had such a sense of shame.

From the Nashville Scene, who published the satire in the first place, via Regret the Error. I can see how, in the current political climate, one might be led to believe that it's illegal to give nutritional sustenance to a prostitute.

Judy-non e culpa mea

At the Huffington Post, Arianna has a nice summary of [former?] Bush propaganda apparatchik Judith Miller's report in the NYT on her testimony to the Grand Jury. Obviously, there's tons to read about it - this is just a nice, light romp through Miller's and the NYT's hypocrisy on the matter.

How thougtful of NYT not to conceal Judy's revelations behind their NYT-Select peepshow curtain. Making readers pay to read Judy's Reagan-esque memoir of suspicious events would have added insult to injury.

Wonderful World O' Crap

World O' Crap does a lot of things well, including its comments on rightwing irrationality. Anntichrist Coulter, from what I gather, is an alter-ego to the lipless wound in the spacetime continuum who appears on Fox News Network with bile on her chin. Ann likes to airbrush her big adam's apple out of publicity photos. Annti, I guess, likes to mock Ann. And who doesn't?

This was posted today, appropos of the post about the Millions More, below. If you like it, visit the World O' Crap and check out their synopses of bad movies. Very relaxing.

Gay Speaker Not Welcome Among Millions More

Article at Daily Kos, click here. Not surprising, which makes it that much sadder. The anti-gay fervor among "religious" people rivals the rise in public displays of Jew-hating. How about a Millions Shunned by Religious Chauvinists March? Not too catchy. Seems like GBLTs and Jews ought to be able to rally over a million people - although those categories do overlap. All categories overlap. How about the Millions in Overlap March? How about a Myriad Varieties of Human Beings March?

I won't be there, of course. I hate marches. But I encourage you all to go.